Monday, March 9, 2020

Sketching Parque de Embajadoras

A drunk in the sunshine drunk in the park slumped on a bench elbows on knees half-pint dangling straight from a bottle of the cheapest swill straight to the heart-brain words of complaint words of prayer same same conference of no-ones.

The many footed living passing in commerce passing in love passing with children hands held passing passing as if they know - they do.

Two benches down mama hand feeds track suited teen-aged daughter damaged and drooling.  Youngsters play courtship.  Abuela takes seat right next to me works on finely wrought crocheting.

Tears from the drunkard’s empty bottle.

Used to having less
          more is given
                    be it a smile
                              a handshake
                                        or an extra peso’s worth of peanuts

Many thanks

muchas gratias
buen dia

Good day.

GTO, Mex

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